Johannesburg : Despite his side, Chandigarh Lions, losing to the Chennai Superstars in the final of the Indian Cricket League Twenty20 tournament, South African cricketer Andrew Hall has said the success of the inaugural event justified the participation of international players, most of whom have been branded rebels.Writing in his weekly column “Report from a Rebel” in the Afrikaans weekly Rapport here, Hall said the tournament was “a gigantic success” and the players were very happy with the way it had turned out.
“This success has vindicated my decision - and that of all the other South African players - to come and play here (in
Hall’s side lost to the Chennai Superstars Sunday in the finals of the inaugural Indian Cricket League (ICL) Twenty20 championship.
Hall and several other South African players have been considered rebels by Cricket South
“It’s incredible how the players from the different countries came together to make the ICL such a showpiece. Besides all the excitement on the field, the tournament also gave us as players an outcome - a guaranteed future and (job) security.
“Everyone knew exactly when they would be playing, how you would be used and that you are appreciated as a player, something every (player) wants in his career,” Hall added.
Hall said it did not matter that his side lost the game.
“I had the opportunity to teach a few young Indian players something which hopefully will make a difference in their careers. That is in the long run why every one of the so-called international players was here.
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