Thursday, April 3, 2008

ICL announces eventful season for 2008

Subhash Chandra’s Indian Cricket League (ICL) which kick started its first season in November, will host 5 tournaments in 2008. The announcement was made today by Essel Group chairman Subhash Chandra and Kapil Dev, chairman of the executive board, ICL.

The second season of ICL will roll-out in February and will include 50-over matches as well.

” It is indeed heartening to see the response Indian Cricket League (ICL) has been able to generate in India and across the globe. After a successful launch in keeping with the promise made, ICL is proud to announce its cricket calendar for the coming season.” ICL conducted its first 20-20 championship at the Tau Devilal cricket stadium at Panchkula, Chandigarh from November 30 to December 16, Subhash Chandra, chairman, Essel Group said.

ICL’s 2008 event calender will begin in February with a 50-over tournament featuring domestic cricketers, to be followed by a Twenty20 triangular series. In March-April, ICL will organise the ICL Grand Championship in which 8 teams will participate in a Twenty20 tournament. By April- May, the league will open academies across cities. September-October will witness the ICL Invitation Cup (a 20 over a side tournament in which 8 teams will participate). The season will conclude in November-December with the second edition of ICL Twenty20 Indian Championship.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Shane Bond joins rebel Indian Cricket League

Fast bowler Shane Bond left New Zealand to play in the rebel Indian Cricket League, clinging to hope the ICL will eventually be officially recognised and that his international career may resume.

"I'm sure the restraint of trade things will eventually be tested and who knows what will open up. The landscape is changing all the time," Bond said.

New Zealand has joined all Test-playing nations in refusing to sanction the ICL, while allowing its players to join the Indian Premier League which will operate under the auspices of the Board of Control for Cricket in India.

Bond, 32, will receive a reported USD 800,000 a year for playing in the ICL. In doing so, he has had to give up his international career because New Zealand Cricket has instructed its national selectors not to consider players with ICL connections.

Bond is shortly to join the English county Hampshire on a short-term contract but that involvement might also suffer because of his ICL involvement. The England and Wales Cricket Board has warned that players with an ICL affiliation may not receive the necessary clearances to be registered for county play.

"The ECB board (is) determined to disassociate and distance itself from any promoter, agent or individual involved in such events," it said in a statement yesterday.

"It was further noted that unqualified cricketers requiring a 'no objection certificate' to be registered for cricket in England and Wales are unlikely to receive such certificates from their home boards if they participate in unauthorised events.

"In order to protect the genuine interests in the development of grassroots and county cricket and protecting anti-doping and anti-corruption measures, the ECB policy to condemn unauthorised events will be taken into consideration when evaluating any application to register players for county cricket.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Six more Pak players may join ICL

Six more Pak players may join ICL

Reports have suggested that at least six more Pakistan cricketers may join the ICL, and they are mainly players who don’t have permanent places in the national team.

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has already banned six of its Indian Cricket League (ICL) players from playing domestic cricket.

Inzamam-ul-Haq, Abdul Razzaq, Shabbir Ahmed, Taufiq Umar, Imran Farhat and Azhar mahmood have been told that they cannot represent their parent department in any PCB-recognised tournament after participating in the recently held ICL.

Farhat, Umar and Ahmed have said that they will move the courts over the ban.

Meanwhile, the PCB’s Media Director, Ahsan Hameed Malik, has confirmed the player ban.

“Yes, the PCB has written a letter to all the affiliated units on December 6, instructing them not to allow (to play) any such players, who are involved with any league cricket, not recognized by the board,” the Dawn quoted Malik, as saying.

“The PCB is only punishing the players to please its Indian counterpart, otherwise there is nothing wrong in the entire matter,” Imran countered.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Success of ICL tournament justified participation: Hall

Johannesburg : Despite his side, Chandigarh Lions, losing to the Chennai Superstars in the final of the Indian Cricket League Twenty20 tournament, South African cricketer Andrew Hall has said the success of the inaugural event justified the participation of international players, most of whom have been branded rebels.Writing in his weekly column “Report from a Rebel” in the Afrikaans weekly Rapport here, Hall said the tournament was “a gigantic success” and the players were very happy with the way it had turned out.

“This success has vindicated my decision - and that of all the other South African players - to come and play here (in Chandigarh ). Sometimes one has to take a chance, especially with something which is initially a gamble.”

Hall’s side lost to the Chennai Superstars Sunday in the finals of the inaugural Indian Cricket League (ICL) Twenty20 championship.

Hall and several other South African players have been considered rebels by Cricket South Africa , the national body for the sport here. Some are in litigation with the body after it decided to exclude them from even local squads.

“It’s incredible how the players from the different countries came together to make the ICL such a showpiece. Besides all the excitement on the field, the tournament also gave us as players an outcome - a guaranteed future and (job) security.

“Everyone knew exactly when they would be playing, how you would be used and that you are appreciated as a player, something every (player) wants in his career,” Hall added.

Hall said it did not matter that his side lost the game.

“I had the opportunity to teach a few young Indian players something which hopefully will make a difference in their careers. That is in the long run why every one of the so-called international players was here.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

'BCCI should recognise ICL as it had broadbased talent'

Former India captain Ajit Wadekar on Sunday asked BCCI to recognise the Indian Cricket League saying it had broadbased the talent in the country.

"ICL authorities are not getting into the Board's affairs but have helped broadbase the talent in the country. Both BCCI and ICL should co-exist in the interest of the game," said Wadekar, here to witness the final of the Essel Group's inaugural domestic one-day tournament final.

He said young players on the ICL rolls have benefited both career-wise and financially and have had the experience of playing alongside players like Brian Lara.

"It will make a lot of difference to these youngsters if they get to play for the country in matches recognised by BCCI," he said.

Meanwhile, former Chairman of the National Selection Committee Kiran More said "ICL's application for recognition is pending with the BCCI and they have not responded as of yet."

"This is the second ICL tournament held according to our schedule and the players have gained the right exposure from these tournaments," More said.

Source :

Honourable Shane Bond has my sympathy - Mike Atherton

How galling for New Zealand's coach, John Bracewell, as England's Twenty20 performances highlighted the gulf in talent between the two teams, that the best pace bowler on either side, Shane Bond, should be considering penning an English county contract instead of pinning English batsmen to the crease.

It is unlikely that Bond's presence alone would have bridged such a chasm of class during the first week of the tour, but New Zealand, with its tiny population and even smaller pool of good cricketers, can ill afford to lose such talent.

Having signed up for the Indian Cricket League, New Zealand decided that Bond could serve one master only, and, after months of protracted negotiations, they terminated his contract. Bond, now, will see out his days playing in a cricketing circus in northern India for part of the year, and domestically in New Zealand and England for the rest. Financially he will be better off; international cricket is the poorer. Quick bowlers are a rare commodity.

Bond himself has had no complaint publicly with New Zealand Cricket's decision, only with the subsequent public perception that somehow he has let down his country, that he has put money before honour. Last week he had this to say: "Some people are always going to think that you're a traitor and I can live with that.

"I find it strange, though, that in any other job people accept that you try to improve your circumstances and get in a better position for your family but it's almost like you're not supposed to do that in sport."

My sympathies lie with the player. Bond has, on a number of previous occasions, turned down lucrative offers to get in the best possible shape to play for New Zealand.

After an injury-plagued career, during which he has missed twice as many matches as he has played, he has probably come to the conclusion that his time as an international is limited and rather than return to the beat empty-handed (Bond was a policeman before) it was time to put the interests of his family first.

Moreover, he has acted honourably, upholding a contract he had signed in good faith. Compare his behaviour with that of the Pakistan batsman Mohammad Yousuf. Yousuf turned his back on Pakistan and signed initially with the ICL; realised then that he had goofed because the Indian Premier League came along and offered more money; professed his love of his country as he tore up his ICL contract, before signing for the IPL. Only one of these players has been banned from playing for their country, but only one has acted with any honour.

My sympathies with Bond, though, extend beyond any empathy with his family's requirements. Ultimately, his dispute with New Zealand cricket is not so much about contractual obligations as the complete failure of New Zealand Cricket, and other countries, to stand up to the power and financial clout of Indian cricket.

When Bond signed with the ICL initially he went to New Zealand Cricket to ascertain whether he would be allowed to play in the ICL when international duties permitted. My understanding is that his employers were happy for him to do so, something they confirmed verbally and in writing. This was, of course, before the IPL emerged. Subsequently, the Indian board persuaded the governing bodies of world cricket to sanction the IPL as the 'official' Twenty20 competition as a way of putting the skids under the ICL.

Nobody is prepared to upset India for fear of losing out on valuable television revenues; the ICL, therefore, quickly accrued pariah status. It is not Bond who has back-tracked but his employers.

England have been just as craven as New Zealand. This week Geoff Miller, out here in his guise as England's new national selector, was asked whether his selection panel would consider those England cricketers - Darren Maddy, Vikram Solanki, Paul Nixon and Chris Read - who have signed for the ICL.

Miller was careful not to say that any official position had been taken - to do so would invite legal action - but reading between the lines it is clear that the 'ICL four' have rebel status. Implicit in Miller's remarks was a threat to any other English player considering his options.

Practically, a problem is unlikely to arise as Miller, James Whitaker and Ashley Giles sit down with Peter Moores and his captains to select England's summer teams. Those ICL players who have signed up have either had their time or are, at best, fringe alternatives. Following the successes of England's one-day team in the first week of this New Zealand tour, and the progress of Messrs Mustard and Wright, the chances of a recall receded even further.

Source :

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Board’s double standards ruining Pakistan cricket, says Shoaib Akhtar

Pakistan’s controversial fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar has said that the Pakistan Cricket Board’s (PCB) double standards are ruining the sport in the country. Talking to reporters after attending a practice session at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) here on Friday, Akhtar, who has played 46 Tests and 138 one-day internationals, said he was unable to understand the board’s ‘inconsistent policies’. “I was made a scapegoat after Pakistan lost the Test and ODI series in India. I bowled my heart out with 17 overs during the Bangalore Test just to hear that I was unfit and now, suddenly, the PCB considers me fit enough to lead a team in the Pentangular Cup,” he added.

Akhtar, who has taken 178 Test and 219 ODI wickets, said he agreed with former captain Imran Khan that he (Akhtar) was made a scapegoat for the series loss in India and dropped from the team for the Zimbabwe series. Imran had remarked that Akhtar was dropped as a ‘scapegoat’ for the team’s series loss to India. Akhtar said that he had played international cricket even with 102 temperature because playing for Pakistan was the only preference for him. “I wanted to play the ODI series against Zimbabwe for getting match practice but was dropped from the team on the flimsy pretext that I was unfit.” The 32-year-old fast bowler, nicknamed the ‘Rawalpindi Express,’ was also criticised for his off-field activities on the tour of India, where Pakistan lost the one-day series 3-2 and Tests 1-0.

Akhtar said he was honoured to lead the Federal team. “I will prove my fitness with long and accurate spells during the Pentangular Cup.” He said he would also invite the PCB officials, who were always sitting in their luxurious offices, to see his fitness level. He said he does not need any central contract for representing Pakistan in cricket world and he would not sign any retainership. “Central contracts are not an issue because I play for my country and not for money. I will not accept retainership.” Without naming anyone, Akhtar said it was strange that a cricketer who had not played international cricket for the last three months was put in the category A. “It is all double standards,” he said.

According to critics, the PCB’s new central contracts might sow seeds of dissent among players in the national team. The board awarded enhanced and revised one-year central contracts to 15 players earlier this month excluding fast bowler Akhtar and some other senior players while upgrading junior players into top categories. The categorisation of the cricketers in the new contracts – for example senior leg spinner Danish Kaneria being bracketed with Fawad Alam who has played just three one-dayers in Category C – has raised eyebrows in cricketing circles in the country. It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan cricket has always been sensitive over seniority issues.

There are also reports in the media that Akhtar could dump the BCCI-backed Indian Premier League (IPL) to sign up for the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL) as his relations with the PCB continue to deteriorate by the day. Sources close to Akhtar say that the speedster has only signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the IPL, which is backed by the PCB as well. And since he is unhappy with the treatment being meted out to him, he is now considering taking on the board by signing up for the ICL.

Akhtar also showed interest in signing on for an Indian film, raising doubts over his cricket future. Akhtar, however, denied he was leaving the sport to join Bollywood. “I want to play cricket and just showing a little interest in films doesn’t mean I am leaving the game. I want to play against Australia. I am making full preparations for the series against Australians as it is not an easy series,” he opined. Akhtar said doing well against Australia would be a motivation. “Australia are world number one team and the way Indians have done well against them, I am sure that we can also do well against them.” Pakistan hosts Australia in March-April this year. Regarding acting in movies, Akhtar said that he had five to six offers of acting in films but he would not sign any film. “I would do films after retirement from cricket,” he concluded.

Source :

Monday, February 4, 2008

Cricket goes to Bollywood

The Board of Control for Cricket in India has become one of the richest sports bodies in the world, its annual income exceeding the turnover of a large number of private companies.

IT IS raining money on Indian cricket. The Board of Control for Cricket in India, the governing body of the game, will rake in over 50 billion rupees (RM4.1bil) over the next three years from the domestic Twenty20 cricket league alone.

The rights to regional teams for the Indian Premier League (IPL) were recently auctioned to a group of industrialists and film stars.

A brand new version of the “pyjama cricket”, the IPL will also enrich cricket stars beyond their wildest dreams with remuneration of each Indian and foreign player running into seven to eight figures for a 44-day-long championship.

The country’s richest industrialist, Mukesh Ambani of the Reliance Group of Industries; the reigning Khan of Bollywood, Shah Rukh; and top liquor manufacturer Vijay Mallya were among the successful bidders for regional IPL franchises.

Ambani bid the highest amount of 4.41 billion rupees (RM364mil) for Mumbai. Mallya got hometown Bangalore for 4.4 billion rupees (RM363mil), and Shah Rukh with former actress Juhi Chawla bagged Calcutta for 2.96 billion rupees (RM244mil).

There was another Bollywood winner in actress Preity Zinta who with industrialist boyfriend Ness Wadia won Mohali (Punjab) for three billion rupees (RM248mil). Chennai went to a cement manufacturer, while Hyderabad was bagged by a local newspaper group. A construction company won the right to the Delhi team.

Beginning April 18, eight teams will compete for the IPL trophy and a cash prize of more than 160 million rupees (RM13.2mil). Each team will play 14 matches, seven at home and seven away.

To be played under floodlights in eight cities across the country over 44 days, the IPL aims to inject the razzmatazz and pomp and ceremony associated with American basketball and football.

The off-the-field entertainment quotient will be high in order to attract spectators and to engage television audiences.

Each franchisee will have to buy players, domestic and foreign, and invest in coaches, managers, ground staff, promotion, hiring of the stadiums, security and so on.

Each team can hire up to four foreign players. But icon stars associated with cities will have to play for their local teams.

For instance, Sachin Tendulkar will play for Ambani’s Mumbai while Saurav Ganguly will do duty for Shah Rukh Khan’s Calcutta and Rahul Dravid for Mallya’s Bangalore.

Besides, the franchisee will have to pay a minimum wage of two million rupees (RM165,000) to each player in the 16-man squad per season, though in reality the cost could be much higher due to the bidding for star players.

The auctions for players are being held this month. However, the top players bound to play on their home grounds would not be auctioned, but their price will be fixed at 15% higher than the most expensive player in the auction.

The BCCI will share a part of the revenue from television rights, merchandise, gate money and promotional/sponsorship receipts with the franchisees.

More than 70 foreign players have already signed up, among them Australian ace fast bowler Brett Lee and a number of top players from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa and so on.

The legendary Australian leg-spinner Shane Warne, who retired this year, is also set to play in the IPL, with the bidding for him starting at more than 30 million rupees (RM2.5mil).

The injection of private capital into cricket was a decision forced on the BCCI. The placid nabobs of Indian cricket, quite content with the upturn in its fortunes due to the rise of the ball-to-ball television commentary on private channels, were jolted out of their complacency by an ambitious businessman.

Subhash Chandra Goel of Zee Television networks took everyone by surprise when he announced the launch of the rival Indian Cricket League (ICL).

Goel hired former Indian captain Kapil Dev as his pointsman and undertook an aggressive campaign to buy foreign and Indian players. Several greats of yesteryears from home and abroad were signed up.

Finding its monopoly over the game challenged, the BCCI lost no time in declaring Goel’s ICL illegal.

It also threatened to blacklist any player associated with the ICL. Further, it denied the ICL the use of cricket grounds for holding matches.

To effectively counter the ICL, the BCCI soon came up with the Twenty20 league, and did one better by deciding to auction regional franchises to the highest bidders.

Given the immense popularity of the game and the social cache attached to owning a team of star-players, billionaire industrialists, newspaper magnates and film stars entered the fray.

The successful bidders now own the regional IPL franchise for the next 10 years and they will pay one-tenth of the bidding amount each year over the next decade.

Following the IPL auction, the BCCI has become one of the richest sports bodies in the world. Its annual income now exceeds the turnover of a large number of private companies.

Corporate cricket being all about money, each season IPL teams collectively would have to generate a minimum revenue of seven trillion rupees (RM578bil) for their owners to recoup the expenses – though there are those who believe that the Ambanis and the Mallyas have bought themselves showpieces, and they couldn’t really bother about the money.

Meanwhile, connoisseurs of the game complain that the IPL will lead to further commercialisation of cricket. They were already chafing at the Twenty20 format and now the auctioning of players has hurt their sensibilities.

“Cricketers have now become mercenaries,” lamented a former national player.

On the converse, many feel that money could play a salutary role in improving the quality of cricket.

“If privately-owned football clubs in England can provide first-rate national players, why not an Ambani-owned team with the best professional aides churning out world-beaters in cricket?” argued a sports writer.

Better coaching facilities and better monetary incentives could help nurture cricket talent. The IPL would lead to professionalisation of Indian cricket and help discover and hone local talent.

Source :

Monday, January 28, 2008

Pak 'rebels' spurn PCB offer, say to remain in ICL

Pakistani cricketers, who have played in the inaugural Indian Cricket League, have spurned the olive branch offered by the PCB to come to its fold by ditching the 'rebel' league.

Test discards Imran Farhat, Taufiq Umar and Shabbir Ahmed remained adamant and said they would not break their contracts with ICL despite PCB's assurance to lift the ban from appearing in domestic cricket if they promise not to play anymore in the Essel Group promoted league.

"No I can't do that. It is not the honourable thing to do. I took a decision to sign the contract and I will stand by it. We have legal avenues available to fight the PCB ban," Farhat said.

The former opening batsman denied that a petition filed by him and other players challenging PCB's ban has been dismissed by the court

"There is no way they can stop us from playing domestic cricket. And they have been saying the court dismissed our petition but that is not true we withdrew the petition ourselves hoping the board would at its governing body lift the ban," he said.

Farhat, who had played 27 Tests for Pakistan, also ruled out seeking any help from the International Cricket Council, saying it could do nothing as it was an internal matter of the board.

Taufiq Umar said the players had committed no crime playing in the ICL and would not go back on their contracts.

"They are just being personal with us and nothing else. But we will decide soon what we can do to fight this injustice," he said.

Shabbir Ahmed said the board was trying to come down hard on them as it faced a real threat from the ICL.

"They (PCB) know more and more players will go sooner or later and they are worried that is why they are trying to scare out the others so that they don't go at all," he said.

After a governing body meeting on January 25, PCB had decided to continue the ban on former captain Inzamam-ul-Haq, Imran Farhat, Abdul Razzaq, Taufiq Umar, Shabbir Ahmed and Azhar Mahmood from playing any domestic cricket after they played in the inaugural ICL tournament last month.

Source :

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bond and NZC heading to court

SHANE Bond and New Zealand Cricket (NZC) are reportedly heading for a lengthy litigation process although a mediator has stepped in to help resolve the fast bowler's dispute with the national body.
The Herald on Sunday newspaper today reported the stand-off between Bond and NZC was poised to head to the Employment Court because the pace bowling spearhead wants to play home and away series against England despite signing on with the unsanctioned Indian Cricket League (ICL) Twenty/20 competition.

By joining the rebel league Bond _ who is contracted to NZC until the end of May _ is now considered ineligible for selection because the International Cricket Council (ICC) have urged member countries not to name players who have aligned themselves with the ICL.

The 32-year-old, who signed a three-year $3.1 million deal with the ICL has been told he cannot play against England unless he reneges on a lucrative contract that sets the injury-plagued former policeman up for life financially.

Both of Bond's contracts are now being examined by lawyers.

Talks with Bond and his representatives began almost a fortnight ago as an 11th-hour effort was made by NZC to extract Bond from his ICL contract.

Discussions foundered and a mediator has been called in to try to prevent the dispute reaching the Employment Relations Authority.

The crux of the matter is whether Bond breached his contract with NZC by signing with the ICL. He is the top-ranked New Zealand cricketer and is on a retainer of more than $120,000 through to June 1.

The dispute is further clouded by the fact NZC cleared him to sign with the ICL almost certainly in written form.

Employment law specialist Hamish Kynaston told the Herald on Sunday, said that document could be construed as legally binding.

Bond and NZC have remained silent on the issue since discussions escalated, though there may be progress this week.

Meanwhile, Bond returned to action for Canterbury in the domestic Twenty/20 competition on Friday having recovered from an abdominal tear sustained during New Zealand's tour of South Africa in November.

Source :

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Martin Fires Warning To Straus

New Zealand bowler Chris Martin has warned Andrew Strauss and his England team-mates to be on their guard in the upcoming series against the Black Caps - even if the hosts are without Shane Bond.

New Northern Knights signing Strauss told reporters on his arrival in the country last week that a home attack lacking Bond, who is discussing his future with New Zealand Cricket after reportedly agreeing to join the rebel Indian Cricket League, "held few surprises".

Martin, however, is determined to see the England batsman eat his words when the

teams meet in five one-day internationals and three Tests starting next month.

"I don't think we've seen the best of us," he said after the Kiwis' innings defeat of Bangladesh in the second Test, a match in which Martin took seven wickets.

"If we can hunt as a pack and hit them hard early, I think we've got the attack to take their wickets.

"He (Strauss) has said a lot of things in the media over the years which can come across as a little bit arrogant and a little bit cocky, so you just take that sort of stuff with a grain of salt."

Source :

Saturday, January 12, 2008

South African ICL players call for use of more technology

The South African players who participated in the inaugural tournament of the breakaway Indian Cricket League last year have come out in support of increased use of television umpires.

Commenting on the current situation in Australia about allegations of unfair decisions against India , the players said the use of technology in the ICL series had put umpires to the test with positive results.

Umpires in the ICL games could ask the television umpire to check on borderline cases before making a decision.

Darryl Cullinan, who coached the Kolkata Tigers, told the Afrikaans daily Beeld here that the system had worked surprisingly well: "The umpires were in radio contact with each other and the decisions did not take long to finalise."

"The technology is getting better all the time and if one looks at the technology being used in Australia , it is high time that it is implemented elsewhere too."

Australian television uses infrared technology to determine whether the ball has hit the bat, gloves or pads.

Nicky Boje, who played for Hyderabad Heroes, was also supportive of the process, but called for consistency: "The one problem was that the umpires did not apply it consistently - they would ask for it in one game and then not in the next."

Chandigarh Lions player Andrew Hall said the system helped umpires make the right decisions.

"If one looks at what happened in the test between India and Australia , technology could have helped calm tempers," Hall said.

"I think nine of ten times when there is an altercation on the field; it is because of a poor decision. The fielding team is then angered and takes it out on the batsman. If you get the right decision, you eliminate those emotions."

Source :

Friday, January 11, 2008

Richardson on Delhi Police radar

Having questioned South African cricketers Herschelle Gibbs and Nicky Boje in connection with the 2000 match-fixing scandal, Delhi Police now wants to "talk" to their team-mate Dave Richardson to help in the investigations.

The version of Richardson, who is believed to have opposed match-fixing by some of his team-mates, is required so that more light could be thrown on the most infamous scandal to rock the cricket history, police said.

"We have sent a Letter Rogatory to South African government requesting it to allow us to question a number of players including Richardson," Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Satyendra Garg told PTI when asked about Delhi Police's moves to seek the version of the former wicketkeeper.

Richardson is currently serving as General Manager (Operation) in the International Cricket Council.

He had testified before the King's Commission set up by the South African government to look into the match-fixing scandal, with roots going back to 1996.

He had reportedly told the Commission that an international player had made an offer to his team-mate Pat Symcox during their tour to India in 1996 and that he had expressed opposition to it.

In this connection, a senior Delhi Police official said, investigators want to "talk" to Richardson in a bid to "dig deep" into the matter.

The Crime Branch had busted the scandal by intercepting purported telephone calls between then South African captain Hansie Cronje and bookies including Sanjeev Chawla during an India-South African series here in 2000.

Source :

Monday, January 7, 2008

Bond in talks regarding future

New Zealand Cricket has confirmed they are in talks with Shane Bond to discuss his playing future.

Bonds future with the Black Caps is in doubt after he reportedly signed a three-year deal with the rebel Indian Cricket League.

New Zealand cricket nor Bond will be making any public comment until the process has been completed.

Meanwhile, international cricket must remain the number one priority for New Zealand cricket according to Players Association head Heath Mills.

New Zealand Cricket is coming under pressure from the powerful Board of Cricket Control in India to stop its players from taking part in the ICL.

However Mills says it's important that private investors are encouraged to be involved in the game.

He says they must find a way to embrace these parties and get them involved in the sport, but still preserve the international cricket as the pinnacle of the sport.

Mills says they will work with New Zealand Cricket to ensure that happens in this country.

Source :

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Zealand`s ICL players not wanted for national team

Six former New Zealand internationals who played in the Indian Cricket League (ICL) this month have effectively been banned from playing for the national team again.

All-rounders Chris Cairns, Nathan Astle, Chris Harris and Craig McMillan, batsman Hamish Marshall and bowler Daryl Tuffey all played in the breakaway Twenty20 league, which is not sanctioned by the International Cricket Council.

"We have a preference that our selectors take into consideration the fact that that these guys have been playing in an unsanctioned competition, an event that isn`t in the best interests of New Zealand or world cricket, and that we`d rather that they didn`t play," New Zealand Cricket (NZC) chief executive Justin Vaughan told a newspaper.

"I don`t think we can say that they`re ineligible for selection. We`d prefer to say that the selectors will be encouraged to consider other players.

"There`s an understanding that we don`t support the ICL and that we don`t want to give them unnecessary traction."

The stance, however, is largely symbolic.

Harris (38), Cairns (37), Astle (36) and McMillan (31) have all retired from international cricket while Marshall and Tuffey had recently been consistently overlooked by selectors.

Marshall subsequently turned down a central contract with NZC to play in England while Tuffey was not offered a contract.

Vaughan had said earlier that non-contracted players who appeared in the ICL could still play domestic cricket.

Source :